About Us

What do we do?

Navigating the insurance market and knowing which policies would work best for you can be difficult. Sometimes you’re not sure where to start.

Working together with one of our experienced advisers, we can talk through your own personal and financial circumstances, understand your needs and then prepare a protection strategy incorporating relevant policies that will provide peace of mind moving towards the future.

We pride ourselves on keeping things simple.

Protecting you and your family should be easy, effective and hassle-free, and we promise to help do just that.

Do I need an insurance policy?

We want to ask you three questions:

  • Do you have loved ones that depend on you?

  • Do you have a mortgage or other financial commitments?

  • Whether you provide income or time, would losing this severely impact you and your family?

If the answer to those questions is ‘yes,’ let us ask you this:

If you were to die, fall ill, or become injured today, are you and your loved ones prepared for tomorrow?

No matter how devastating a life event, the brutal truth is financial commitments rarely disappear.

Amongst the emotional stress, would keeping up with financial commitments still be possible should something happen to you?

If the answer is ‘no,’ then it is important you have an insurance policy in place to bridge the gap.

Why is an insurance policy important?

We view insurance as a life essential, not a luxury product.

With the correct insurance policies in place, from a financial perspective, no matter what death, injury or illness has occurred, finances before and after should be as healthy as each other.

The idea of an insurance policy is to:

  • Continue to cover existing liabilities - such as a maintaining mortgage payments if the breadwinner were to die or become permanently injured - but also to:

  • Cover any additional costs that may arise, such as childcare costs or home adjustments following a disability.

The death, illness or injury of a loved one is an emotionally devastating time, and no one wants the added pressure of financial stress.